
Uncommon Sense for the Online World

Take a head first dive into social media...5 tips for social networking success


Every day I take a head first dive into my social media world! I start splashing around on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and other channels. I comment, I connect, I laugh and I think. Social media is not an experience to be had from the side of the pool by just dipping your toe to feel the temperature. It requires a full fledged dive into its murky depths to find the gems and the pearls.

Social media is not an experience to be had from the side of the pool by just dipping your toe to feel the temperature. It requires a full fledged dive into its murky depths to find the gems and the pearls.

It takes a lot of my time during the day but I have realized that to be relevant in this world, to be counted, you cannot sit on the sidelines. You need to be around the conversations, in the conversations and most importantly generate conversations.

Here are 5 tips to make your social media engagements more productive

1. Take out time daily to visit and interact on social sites, at least an hour

I know this feels difficult on with our busy schedule but if you must consider that social networking is very important for your future career and success. Tomorrow's winners will be those with the best networks and reach. Get working on your network today!

Tomorrow's winners will be those with the best networks and reach. Get working on your network today!

It takes time and patience to build a good network and must be done on a daily basis. Logging in daily also ensures that you don't miss an important update, contact or article.

One more thing;  some networking sites give paid membership for special features. If you can afford it, do subscribe. It gives your effort more punch and you can utilize the network to its fullest potential.

2. Get out of your comfort zone and expand your network with interactions with unknown people.

Normally people log onto the network, check out their friend's posts and profiles, accept / reject invitations, glance through interesting memes and log out. You need to get out of this comfort zone.

For networking success you really need to take interest in people outside your normal circle. You need to make an effort to read what they are sharing, comment on their posts and connect with them more.

For networking success you really need to take interest in people outside your normal circle. You need to make an effort to read what they are sharing, comment on their posts and connect with them more.

You need to connect with people outside your career zone and find interesting people such as artists, musicians etc. More rich and varied your network the better.

One caveat! Be genuine, don't respond to  anything just for the sake of responding. Take genuine interest in people.

3. Be helpful and useful to others.

There is a saying, 'When you help enough people get what they want, they will then help you get what you want.' If you are going to be networked, might as well be useful to others.

Share links and articles you think might help in a practical way. Make introductions to people who might be of use to each other. Post articles on skills or knowledge you might be expert at. Give it away to get more. Especially help those that really need it, such as people looking for jobs or someone confused or worried. Its all good karma!

Especially help those that really need it, such as people looking for jobs or someone confused or worried. Its all good karma!

Another caveat! Don't be too intrusive. Use common sense and good judgement and don't get more involved then you have to be.

4. Be curious, you have to dive deep to find the pearls.

Most social network activity is relatively shallow, i.e. liking funny memes or useful shares. But the network sites can be a treasure trove of useful information, experience and knowledge.

Don't spend  time only on the easy stuff, also try and read the more deeper, difficult posts or materials shared. You will gain insights and ideas which will help you tremendously in the long run.

Don't spend  time only on the easy stuff, also try and read the more deeper, difficult posts or materials shared. You will gain insights and ideas which will help you tremendously in the long run.

With democratization of the content world, more and more people are posting their ideas, experiences and knowledge. Take advantage of all this free and easily accessible information.

5. Be bold! Make contact with important people.

The worse that can happen to you is that they say no or reject your invite. Big deal! But if they say Yes? You've made a powerful new addition to your network.

The worse that can happen to you is that they say no or reject your invite. Big deal! But if they say Yes? You've made a powerful new addition to your network.

Recently I found myself a few contacts apart from the great marketing guru Al Ries. I hesitated at first but then sent him an invite, saying I am a fan and that I have read all his books. Lo and behold, he accepted! Now I am connected to Al Ries (might not seem much to  you but its huge for me)!

The point is on social network, everyone is 'connectible' if you are genuine, respectful and don't come across as plain creepy.



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