The Content Development Culture - Creating the content rich organization.
A friend and client who recently took over as head of a large technology company recently wrote to me with the following:
"I have found a lack of skills on content everywhere ? marketing creatives, sales collateral, product documentation, even on-screen text on product pages. We're not even sure what the right sort of person is to hire, but we know that the position is important ? mere ?tech? is not enough to make world-class products!"
I responded with a power point covering the following:
Lets define 'content'
Content is
- collective learning,
- nuggets of experience,
- technical information,
- how-to-guides,
- marketing spiel,
- stories and
that reflect the company's thought processes and culture to customers, vendors and employees.
2. Why content development is all about culture
- No business can generate good content solely from external sources
- Best content includes inputs from tackling day to day issues
- Content from
energized and engaged employees boosts morale
- True learning can only come from hard earned experience
- Good content is always emotional, poignant and from the heart.
If employees are not engaged in the process, sooner or later the initiative will fritter out.
3. A
two pronged best strategy for content development
4. Important inputs for your content development plan
- Key areas to focus content on
- Types of content that can be created reliably.
- Modes of delivery which provide the best coverage.
- Best internal and external sources
- Best technology for delivery
5. Great Sources of Content are everywhere
- Interviews with clients & employees
- Coverage of events and seminars
- Commentary on technology and world developments
- Technical articles & manuals
- Collaborations with guest writers
- Contests within the
- Problems, issues and break down events
6. Distributing the content through different channels
- Company Blog
- Company Newsletter
- Slideshow Presentations
- Videos & Multimedia
- Product Handouts
- Books & Magazines
- Training Sessions & Special Events
7. Internal setup for content generation
- Assign a content champion
- Identify a core team or editorial board
- Assign roving reporters
- Hold short seminars to spread the word
- Develop an incentive plan to reward good effort
- Ensure
buy in from top to bottom
- Apply, rinse, repeat
8. External setup for content generation
- Assign an agency
Clearly identify and quantify deliverables
- Setup a quality control mechanism
- Ensure allocation of funds in budget
- Involve agency in internal initiatives
- Apply, rinse, repeat
9. Keeping it going
- Aim for national and international awards and competitions
- Benchmark content to competitors
- Benchmark content to best cases across industries
- Invite motivational speakers to pump up morale
- Start a toastmasters club within the company
Recognize employees for outstanding contribution
- Get a virtuous cycle going.
10. The most important thing
Link good content to sales growth and profits. Nothing succeeds like success.