We are known for our web designs but sometimes we encounter clients who are minutely fastidious about their website designs. They agonize for weeks over a colour or a font and fine tune each and every part of it. Although our clients pleasure is our business I do wonder if it would be more prudent to agree on designs and go online faster.
So the question is that does detailed web design fine tuning pay off or would the client be better off posting the site asap and start getting business immediately. I am not saying the client should put up anything the web design company dishes out but should he put up the site once the design reaches SATISFACTION level or should he wait for PERFECTION.
Some arguments for perfection are:
Are the above justified for the time and effort taken to make the website perfect?
Yes & No.
I sometimes tell say that if there is demand for a product even if you put up a site with no design, just plain white background, and present the products neatly and provide all the relevant information you will sell by doing basic SEO.
What is the client probably loosing while he agonizes over the design?
What does he gain by the perfect (of course design is subjective) web design?
The last point is probably the most important. I always feel its the client that has to get up every morning and view his site and if he feels good about it then its surely going to attract business for him.
Maybe sometimes perfection is called for but sometimes its more prudent to go online quickly and start selling immediately.
Either way I love it both approahes. For me the client?s happiness is what matters. Happy clients are simply good business.