A website redesign can transform a business – here’s how.

Your first reaction might be that this is a web designer overselling the value of their work. And in most cases you might be right. But we are talking of a few clients that get solidly impacted by a remake of their website because the changes run deep within the organization. There are three main reasons for this.

1. The website redesign process bring your entire marketing initiative under the scanner

Redesigning a website goes to the heart of the marketing activities of any business. The process of planning the website changes brings about questions about the current marketing initiatives such as the divide between the digital and traditional marketing spends, evaluation of existing channels and exploration of additional digital marketing channels.

We have sat with clients for revamping the website and have ended up many times reworking their entire marketing approach with the new website at the heart of it.

2.The more processes the website impacts, the more the change within the organization.

At first glance, it would seem that a website redesign would only impact the marketing and sales functions. But a well designed modern website has the potential to shake up many functions including HR, Quality, Customer Support and even Manufacturing in some cases.

How is this? Nowadays websites rarely remain only information sources. They have forms and functionalities that send data to and from multiple departments. A well developed career section can boost the HR section which can in turn boost manufacturing through high quality hires. A robust enquiry section can rejunvenate sales and marketing. A positively designed feedback section can activate the quality control department of the business. Nowadays everything is interconnected.

3. Nothing succeeds like success. The impact of a successful website.

A great website can become a lead generation machine. Coupled with an excellent digital marketing programme it has the potential to accelerate and multiply the turnover and top line of any company. We have seen it over and over, where a rejuvenated website pushes the business into the marketplace where it starts snapping up market share. It results in a virtuous cycle which feeds itself and transforms the outlook of the entire company.

The best results we get are when the top level management of the clients are involved and they treat a website revamp as more than just another marketing project. They understand the value that can be derived and activate cross functional teams to participate in the web design process.

The simple awareness of the potential of a great website can be transformative.

Schedule a no-obligation consultation with Miracleworx to discuss your goals, ideas, and requirements.

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