When to redesign your website and why - a quick primer.

Most of our clients redesign their websites on an average every 3-4 years. We have clients who are on their 3rd or 4th version of their websites. This process of renewal and revamping closely follows the business growth and development of the client's company as well. Therefore growth spurs the redesign and creates a virtuous cycle. Needless to say every version of the site improves it and creates more opportunities for business generation.

How to know when it is time to redesign your website?

  • Your website starts looking shabby compared to your competitors - It is a good practice to keep an eye on your competitor's online presence. If you cannot do it then assign the web design agency to do it for you. But if enough time has passed and your competitors are active online you will notice your site falling behind in terms of design and well as user friendliness.
  • Your website cannot keep up with new browser versions - With each new release of a popular browser like chrome, IE or Firefox certain functionalities on the site such as dropdown menus, JavaScript effects etc. tend to break down unless upgraded. The site literally starts falling apart technically with errors cropping up all over the place. Time to redesign the website.
  • You are still using huge dollops of Flash effects - For those not in the know; Flash is out, HTML5 and Jquery is in. Aided by the body blow from Apple (IOS devices don't allow Flash), designers are moving away from Flash towards newer more browser friendly technologies like HTML5 & Jquery which many of the same effects as Flash minus the overhead.
  • Your website does not have a Content Management System - Still uploading and downloading HTML files on your website. Its old news. Switch over to the super efficient content management system which allows your website to be updated literally in seconds. No need to maintain hundreds of messy files. Simply login and edit the site content.
  • Your site is search engine invisible - Many websites are designed without a thought to search engine friendliness or at most SEO is an afterthought. This low visibility costs you business online. Even if you do hire a SEO firm like to promote your site they will find it difficult to do much without a search engine friendly site.
  • You are bored with your site - Believe it or not this is a good reason to redesign. Imagine if you are bored with your site, how must your customers feel? Boring sites are quite prevalent on the net. They add very little value to the business or to the customer. At best they act as a quick reference point for clients looking for the company address or services list. No engagement equals less business.

Schedule a no-obligation consultation with Miracleworx to discuss your goals, ideas, and requirements.

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